Everything About Towing

Towing Companies New Jersey

There are so many reasons why a vehicle might require towing or roadside assistance. As each vehicle has a different kind of specifications and weight, our experts make sure that the right tow truck is sent to help our clients.

Towing is generally divided into three parts: light-duty towing, medium duty towing, and heavy duty towing. For just a single vehicle, the light towing will work, however, when you need to tow multiple tonnes of weight, heavy towing is what is going to work. At Stewart’s Towing, we make sure that the right tow truck is sent to the customers.

Light Duty Towing

The light-duty towing is used when the passenger vehicles call for roadside assistance. The light-duty towing lifts the two front wheels off the ground and the vehicle is towed using the back two wheels of the vehicle to get it safely off the road. In case of minor truck accidents or roadside assistance, light duty towing is used.

Medium Duty Towing

The medium duty towing happens when larger vehicles end up in accidents and weigh a lot. Medium duty towing is used to tow weight between 4,500 kg to 11,000 kg. The medium duty towing features flatbed rather than a two-wheeled dolly. To tow a vehicle between 4,500 kg to 11,000 kg, the tow truck raises all four wheels of the vehicle to the flatbed and carries it to the destination.

Heavy Duty Towing

Heavy duty towing trucks is especially required for the vehicles with huge weights. With its high powered engines, our heavy duty tow truck can carry weight up to 23,000kg. The state of the art tow trucks is designed to tow tour buses, tractors, trailers, and other huge vehicles with ease. Before sending out the tow trucks, our experts understand the specifications of the vehicle along with the weight and send the right tow truck to get the job done on time.

The boom and winch system of our heavy duty tow truck uses levers to lift the vehicle or any heavy duty equipment.

What do our towing experts ask for before sending out the trucks?

Here are a few things that our experts ask before sending out the truck:

  • Your exact location
  • Your vehicle’s model and registration number
  • Your truck’s status – is it damaged? Trapped? Stuck in an embankment?
  • Road conditions

Our dispatcher will send a truck with our towing experts that match your situations and vehicles specifications and even give you a general time frame for the truck’s arrival.

In a need of towing service? Contact our experts today! Call at: 908-431-1400